Report Period: 1st October 2020 – 31st May    2021

Funded by Concern WorldWide

Beneficiaries: 90,909

Location: District Killa Abdullah

Summary: WESS is implementing the CAP-COVID-19 project with the support of Concern WorldWide (CWW) in district Killa Abdullah to control the high risk of Corona-Virus pandemic further spreading in general communities. The project on CAP-COVID is for 8 months. The report shows three months progress of the project.

Project was commenced with the process of logistic and management arrangements and staff detail Induction session by Concern Worldwide.

Following the baseline survey, coordination meeting was organized with the District Health Department and PPHI and endorsed functional health facilities which are facing a lack of COVID-19 response equipment and other health and NFI materials. District Health Officer suggested 14 health care facilities HCFs for project interventions. As a result of baseline survey 10 HCFs were finalized and selected for the project interventions and 5 additional will be endorsed on the recommendation of District Health Department and PPHI.

Technical feasibility assessment was carried out by the project team. Assimilated the required data concerning WASH facilities. It was recapitulated that 15 washrooms would be rehabilitated and 13 hand washing stations will be installed to ensure the precautionary measures in context of COVID-19 response mechanism.

Two days inception workshop for project staff was instigated by Concern (WWP) in November 2020. Workshop covered the main activities and sub activities, implementation strategy, code of conduct, reporting modality with elaborated tools which can be used to enhance the competency and project sustainability.

PPEs for frontline doctors, paramedical staff and project staff were purchased and will be distributed after the finalization of the distribution plan with the District Health Department and PPHI.

